School |
Grant Title |
Academie Catholique Mere – Teresa (ACMT) |
Suicide Talk/Safe Talk Training |
St. Jean de Brebeuf |
Culture Fest |
St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary |
Do The Right Thing |
Bishop Ryan |
Around the World at BR |
Cardinal Newman |
Up with the Beats, Down with the Stress |
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Elementary |
Mental Well-Being Awareness Month and Family MeWe Night |
Hamilton Disctrict Christian High School |
HDCH Let’s Talk Week |
Saltfleet District High School |
TACO Bout Mental Well-Being at Saltfleet |
Westdale Secondary School |
Wellness Wednesdays |
Sir Allan MacNab Secondary School |
Positive Space and Games Lunchroom |
Glendale Secondary |
BearsCare: Mental Health and Wellness Campaign |