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September 2018
Shine Orange at Hamilton City Hall
At 8:00 PM City Hall will be lit orange to remind those that are having thoughts of suicide that there is hope, and to remember those we have lost to suicide and/or been impacted by suicide
Find out more »Suicide Prevention Day – Remembrance Ceremony and Butterfly Release
Location: St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton West 5th Campus, Chapel Garden (off G196) A joint partnership between SPCCH and St. Joeseph's Healthcare Hamilton. Remembrance Ceremony led by Chaplain Janet Young, in honour of those who have died from suicide and for survivors. Download the flyer for a list of all events:
Find out more »Suicide Prevention Day – Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Seminar
Location: St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton West 5th Campus, Lower Auditorium Mental Health and Addiction Rounds Presented by Jennifer Olarte Godoy, RN, BScN, MN, CPMHN(C) The Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Algorithm Download the flyer for a list of all events:
Find out more »Free ASIST Training
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford Contact: (519) 758-8228
Find out more »Free ASIST Training
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford Contact: (519) 758-8228
Find out more »Meet Me at The Pole – City Hall
Meet at the flag pole to show your support in making Brant a suicide safer community. Contact: sprecious@woodview.ca
Find out more »Meet Me at The Pole – Woodview
Meet at the flag pole to show your support in making Brant a suicide safer community. Contact: sprecious@woodview.ca
Find out more »Peace of Minds Walk
A fundraiser for the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario and to raise awareness for mental illness Contact: msue-ping@schizophrenia.on.ca
Find out more »October 2018
Free safeTALK Training
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford Contact: 519 - 758-8228
Find out more »November 2018
Hope Survives – Suicide Prevention is Everybody’s Business!
Suicide is a major public health concern. Over 4,000 people die by suicide each year in Canada, 11 every day making it our country’s 9th leading cause of death overall. Suicide is complicated and tragic but it is often preventable. Together we can ignite and ensure HOPE SURVIVES to prevent suicide in our communities To mark The Wellness & Recovery Centre's 10th year of Suicide Prevention Initiatives we are hosting a single day event focusing on Suicide Prevention Awareness and…
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