We Could All use a Little More Joy

The Big Joy Project

Who couldn’t use a little more joy these days? 

University of California Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Greater Good in Action has created a BIG JOY project.

Happiness, resilience, connection, and kindness are skills that can be taught and practiced.  In only 7 minutes a day for 7 days, discover which micro-acts of JOY work best for you.

Each day you will be given an opportunity to tell us how you’re feeling in the morning, and then given a micro-act of JOY exercise.

Each micro-act of JOY takes only a few minutes — you might make a list, watch a video, or do a small activity in the real world. 

Afterward, we’ll ask you to reflect on the thoughts and feelings you had while doing the micro-act of JOY. After you do your daily micro-act of JOY, we’ll invite you to do another check-in right away, and a final check-in in the evening.

Sign up to be part of the largest-ever citizen science project on JOY and start feeling more joyful today!  


ROOTS OF HOPE: A Community Suicide Prevention Project Status Update, Hamilton, ON
We are very pleased to provide you with a current update on the work of the Hamilton Roots of Hope Suicide Prevention & Life Promotion Project. 
Roots of Hope is a community-based model that supports populations across Canada in reducing the impact of suicide in their communities.  This model was developed and is supported by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. 
In 2021 Hamilton became an Early Adopter of the Roots of Hope Suicide Prevention Project.  The Suicide Prevention Community Council of Hamilton and the Canadian Mental Health Association, Hamilton Branch serve as program leads and ground our work in a coordinated, evidence-informed community suicide prevention approach.  Five pillar projects are currently being implemented. 
We are very grateful for the participation and support of community agencies, hospitals, primary care, public health and first responders in advancing this work. 
We welcome your thoughts and suggestions for future pillar projects for our community

Zero suicide toolkit

We are pleased to announce the Zero Suicide in Your Community: An Implementation Guide for Community Organizations toolkit, developed by St. Joseph’s Healthcare London and Niagara Region Public Health.

This important resource outlines best practices for suicide prevention and has been widely used by Family Health Teams, community mental health and addictions agencies, youth outreach organizations, and post-secondary campuses.

Questions? e: stephanie.hicks@niagararegion.ca or Shauna.Graf@sjhc.london.on.ca